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Executive Search

Identifying and attracting talent whilst managing a prospective candidate’s unplanned career progression is our expertise.

We recognise that Executive Search requires more than simply identifying those with the skills for the position: just as each industry has specific needs, each company has a unique operational culture, demanding leaders with the right temperament and cultural profile. Seismo’s regional focus and market specialisation see it ideally equipped to deliver these attributes.

Seismo’s established Asia Pacific network provides a rich catchment for the region's foremost leadership and business expertise. Our record sourcing Management Consulting Executives; IT&T Executives; Mining, Oil and Gas positions; General Management disciplines; Marketing and Senior Sales Leaders is exemplary. Committed to evolving alliances with our clients, Seismo consults at every stage of the appointment procedure and beyond. Our proven and perfected executive recruitment methodology delivers not just the right 'future employees', but a significant competitive advantage.